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  • José H. Leal

Leal Wentletrap

Leal Wentletrap, Epitonium leali García, 2011, is one of about eight species of Wentletraps (family Epitoniidae) that may be found on the beaches of Sanibel and Captiva. The species may be separated by other Wentletraps by the sculpture irregularly sized shell ribs (most ribs are thin, but some may be three or four times as thick as the thin ones), and microscopic spiral lines between the ribs. The uncommon species, which occurs in Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, was named after yours truly by Dr. Emilio García of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, following a quest about rare and uncommon species of wentletraps from our area.

Leal Wentletrap, Epitonium leali García, 2011.

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