K-12 Programs
Take your students into the AMAZING world of mollusks, their shells, and marine life; and the conservation of their ecosystems!
Contact Jorden Falker at jfalker@shellmuseum.org or 239-347-5119 to learn more.​
Each program aligns with Florida’s Sunshine State Standards, and participating students will receive a shell from a native Southwest Florida mollusk, as well as their own shell identification guide to keep.

Thanks to the generosity of donors who have supported its signature Adopt-A-Class program, the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium has been able to provide free field trips and outreach education to students throughout Southwest Florida for nearly 20 years.

The Museum will prioritize allocation of Adopt-A-Class funds to Title 1 schools to ensure that students in our region have access to the unique stories, lessons, and experiences of the shells, marine life, and conservation education the Museum offers, regardless of a school’s or students’ ability to pay.
To learn more about Adopt-A-Class or any of our educational programs, please contact Jorden Falker at jfalker@shellmuseum.org or 239-347-5119.