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The Boring Turret Snail

José H. Leal

The Boring Turret Snail, Turritella acropora Dall, 1889, is a relatively common marine snail in the Gulf of Mexico, and often found on the beaches of Sanibel and Captiva. This species is characterized by its sculpture, which includes a series of spiral lines, or cords, which are larger at the periphery of the whorl. Boring Snail Shells can easily be confused with Auger Shells, from which they differ by their rounder aperture (opening) and wider whorls. Boring Snails are closely related to Worm Snails, which were the subject of one of my past columns in the Island's newspapers, and which are also relatively common on Sanibel and Captiva; next time you find a Worm Snail Shell, notice how the initial part of that shell looks just like a small Boring Turret!

The Boring Turret Snail, from Sanibel. Photos by José H. Leal.

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