Southwest Florida Shells with Emphasis on Sanibel & Captiva
José H. Leal
Family Pectinidae
Euvola raveneli
(Dall, 1898)
Ravenel Scallop

Shell size to 60 mm; shell circular, inequivalve, lower valve strongly concave, upper valve flatter, slightly convex. Hinge with wing-like projections of equal size. Sculpture on upper (flat) valve of broad and widely spaced ribs. Do not confuse with Euvola ziczac, which has the lower (deep) valve with single, not "doubled," ribs and narrower interspaces on upper valve. Upper valve darker shades of brown, lower valve whitish, sometimes yellowish, orange, or pink. Inner surface of lower valve white. Upper valve mottled with reddish-brown and dark-brown markings. Main figure shows external surfaces of lower and upper valves, next image shows internal surfaces of same vales, third illustration shows a lower valve (two vies) with pinkish external surface found by Kimberly Nealon on Bowmans Beach, Sanibel, on July 4th, 2016.