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Southwest Florida Shells with Emphasis on Sanibel & Captiva

José H. Leal

Family Acteonidae


Japonactaeon punctostriatus

(C.B. Adams, 1840)

Pitted Baby Bubble

Shell size to 4.5 mm; shell solid, with moderately long spire. Sculpture present only on abapical half of last whorl, consisting of pin-holes lined up along about 15 spiral lines. Columella with a single fold. Aperture about half shell length. Color off-white. The juvenile live snail in the supplementary image was collected as part of an environmental study by Florida Gulf Coast University student Thomas Behmer on September 15, 2014, between Iona Point and Shell Point Retirement Community, west end of the Caloosahatchee River estuary, in Fort Myers. The shape of the whorl shoulders in shell of this living specimen suggests it could belong in a separate species.

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