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Cool 3D Models of Freshwater Mussels!

José H. Leal

During the August episode of the National Shell Museum lecture series, Smithsonian’s Curator of Bivalves Dr John Pfeiffer presented (among several advances in the study of North American freshwater mussels) “Freshwater Mussels of America.” Dr Pfeiffer plays a major role in that great project, developed in association with his “alma mater,” the University of Florida/Florida Museum (Gainesville). “Freshwater Mussels of America” displays awesome 3D models of 100 species of freshwater bivalves from the United States. The models, based on thousands of digital color images taken for each shell, can be manipulated with a computer mouse, rotated, and viewed in an almost infinite number of positions and a broad range of magnifications. Check the terrific resource here. Missed the lecture? The recording of Dr Pfeiffer’s talk is available under “Recordings of Previous Lectures” on the Museum’s “Online Lectures” page.

Rabitsfoot, Theliderma cylindrica, from the Florida Museum resource "Freshwater Mussels of America."


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